Kyra Zhang
b. 1999

Co Founder of Synonym Lab and YDMD Studio

Kyra's art focuses on creating interactive installations and playful works that transform audience participation into a key component of the experience. She often uses raw materials and found objects to create pieces that feel familiar and accessible. Her creative process involves thinking from the audience's perspective, choosing elements and creating structures based on how people typically react to things. Her works invite viewers to engage in specific actions, completing the connection and communication between the artwork and its audience, fostering co-creation and relationships between individuals.

Kyra is passionate about community building and creating collective spaces through events and workshops. This passion extends beyond her individual works to broader initiatives, such as founding Synonym Lab. Through Synonym Lab, she collaborates with various artists and passionate individuals, transforming their professional skills and knowledge into engaging and accessible sessions for the public. Her goal is to cultivate environments where collective experiences and shared interactions become the heart of artistic expression. Kyra's work is not just about creating art pieces but about nurturing communal bonds and a sense of shared presence through creative endeavors.


2018 - 2022   BA FINE ART, Goldsmiths, University of London


June  2019   “Extension Degree Show”, Goldsmiths University, London, UK

December 2020   “Accidenting”, Online Exhibition, CSSA Goldsmiths

January    2021    “Redirecting”, Tree Art Museum, Beijing, China

May   2021    “SOME Exhibition”, Online Exhibition, Goldsmiths, UK

Feb  2022     “Respiration”, The Great Hall, Goldsmiths Univeristy of London, London, UK

March  2022     “It’s all fun until...”, Safehouse 1&2, London, UK

July  2022      Degree show of Goldsmiths University of London, London, UK

August 2022 “Concept 2022”, CICA Museum, Seoul, Korea

October 2022 “REA Art Fair’, Milan, Italy

November 2022 “ Choreo Archive”, Dinner Party Gallery, London, UK

July 2023  Curated  “The Rebellious Room”, SET Kensington, London, UK

June 2024 “Rarely Seen, Little Known”, SET Kensington, London, UK