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Joyful Room


观众在进入Joyful Room之前首先需要观看一个关于joyful room的介绍短片,从而了解如何参与这件作品。 Joyful room中的空间被一面Mirror film分为两个部分,一部分的耳机放着club music,另一部分的耳机放着Club music。两部分空间上方的灯光以不同频率闪烁着,从而使观众时而看见镜面中的自己,时而看见另一边空间的参与者。

Joyful Room
Size Variety
Mirror Film, Strobe Light, Wood, Fabric, Video, earphones.

Before entering the Joyful Room, the audience first needs to watch an introductory video about the joyful room to understand how to participate in this work. The space in the Joyful room is divided into two parts by a mirror film, one part of the earphone is for club music, and the other part of the earphone is for club music. The lights above the two parts of the space flicker at different frequencies. Sometimes, the audience sees themselves in the mirror and sometimes the participants in the other space.